3CR12 Stainless steel

3CR12 Laser Cut Parts

Tubecon Laser is able to laser cut and engrave 3CR12 plates with ease, this is only one of the many stainless steel types which we can cut. Our manufacturing branch is situated in Pretoria and we own our own fleet of trucks which makes deliveries throughout Gauteng on a daily basis as well as two to three trips a week to Durban, Bloemfontein and Cape Town. Combined with our fast deliveries across South Africa, our good service and exceptional quality is worth a try. Send your enquiries for 3CR12 laser cut parts through to sales@tubeconlaser.co.za.

The 3CR12 sheet metal components can be used in extremely corrosive conditions where staining may occur without affecting the lifespan of the sheet metal. In situations where appearance are important the 3CR12 laser cut parts can be painted.

3CR12 (1.4003) sheet metal is an attractive material for applications such as road and/or rail transport(including passenger vehicles, rail infrastructure, utility vehicles, etc.), telecommunication cabinets as well as material handling which include sugar, agriculture and bulk handling. In the mining industry and bulk handling industries 3CR12 stainless steel is used in wet sliding abrasion conditions successfully. It also serves as a cost effective and superior alternative to hot dip galvanised steel, making it a good choice for cattle and horse barns, stables and stalls.

3CR12 also consist of good formability characteristics, including roll forming, bending and pressing.


The 3CR12 laser cut parts can easily be welded to various metals due to the good weldability characteristics of the material. When welding the 3CR12 (1.4003) plates the heat input should be controlled throughout the welding process and ensured that it is kept to a minimum. After welding the 3CR12 laser cut parts to other sheet metals the area around the weld should be cleaned in order to remove the discolouration.


Special cutting tools and lubricants are not required for machining due to the lower work-hardening of 3CR12 when it is compared to other stainless steel. Machining problems can be eliminated when the speed and feed rates are controlled and kept low.

Chemical Composition

Material %C %Si %Mn %P %S %Cr %Ni %Ti
3CR12 0.03 1 2 0.004 0.03 12.5 1.5 Max: 0.6

Mechanical Properties

Wall Thickness (mm) Proof Stress (MPa) Tensile Strength (MPa) Elongation (%) Brinell Hardness
<3 Min: 280; Max: 450 Min: 460 Min: 18 Max: 220
3-4.5 Min: 300; Max: 450 Min: 460 Min: 18 Max: 220
>4.5 Min: 300; Max: 450 Min: 460 Min: 20 Max: 220